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International Resources 国际组织资源与利用: MOOCS 慕课资源

TEDx WBG 世界银行开放校园 ted-like talks

Ideas Worth Spreading 精彩TEDtalks分享

Open Learning Campus 世界银行开放学习校园


New Open Online Courses: 世界银行开放学习动态(Coursera)

2016年6月21日,世界银行集团在中国启动开放式学习园地(Open Learning Campus, 简称OLC)。OLC是世界银行集团供其内部职员和外部客户学习的专用平台,其设计初衷在于通过向发展领域的合作伙伴、专业人士以及政策制定者传递全球发展知识,帮助建立其领导力和技术能力。OLC将利用互联网和手机的便捷性和普及性以及成人教学法和学习活动方面的最新发展动态,取得规模化学习效益,惠及发展中国家和发达国家数以十万计的相关人员,使其不论在何时何地都能以任何进度学习。


It is now clear that without action on climate change, the world may become 4°C warmer by the end of this century. Such an increase would threaten to roll back decades of development progress; thus, we are at a ‘make it or break it’ point in time. This course presents the most recent scientific evidence, as well as some of the opportunities for urgent action.It is now clear that without action on climate change, the world may become 4°C warmer by the end of this century. Such an increase would threaten to roll back decades of development progress; thus, we are at a ‘make it or break it’ point in time. This course presents the most recent scientific evidence, as well as some of the opportunities for urgent action.(2015年4月20日开课、2016年6月20日开课、目前已关闭,等待中---


Turn Down the Heat: From Climate science to Action

Each part of the world faces specific vulnerabilities to climate change and has different opportunities to mitigate the effects and build resilience in the 21st century. With the Paris Agreement at COP 21, the global community has signaled its intent to act. Indeed, without climate action, decades of development progress are threatened, meaning that we are at a ‘make it or break it’ point in time. This course presents the most recent scientific evidence, explains the different regional impacts and divulge climate action strategies, and some opportunities for you to take action on climate change(2016年5月9日开课)




Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) are one tool that governments can employ to help deliver needed infrastructure services. PPPs are a way of contracting for services, using private sector innovation and expertise, and they often leverage private finance. PPPs can, implemented under the right circumstances, improve service provision and facilitate economic growth.(2015年6月1日开课、目前已关闭,等待中---




Government works best when citizens are directly engaged in policymaking and public service delivery. What conditions are necessary for inclusive and effective citizen engagement? Can it positively improve people's lives? This course provides an overview of citizen engagement, critically analyzing how it can be leveraged most effectively to achieve development results.(2016年2月1日开课、目前已关闭,等待中---



Risks are a part of our everyday lives. Losses from risks and missed opportunities affect everyone. In the last two decades the world has experienced international integration, technological innovation, and economic reform, but also financial turbulence and environmental damage. The fear of loss can prevent people from pursuing development opportunities, leaving many poor people trapped in poverty. However, societies that successfully adapt to risks can make dramatic gains in their living standards.(2016年1月18日开课、目前已关闭,等待中---

What is a MOOC? 什么是慕课?

A massive open online course (MOOC) is a type of online course targeting large-scale participation and open access via the internet. MOOCs are a relatively recent development in open distance education. MOOCs are usually free and do not offer credits awarded to paying students at schools.